When I was pregnant with Emma she would do something inside my belly that felt like she was tapping her fingers on me as if she was waiting for something. It is funny to me that now I see her tapping her fingers all the time. It makes me smile. She is now really wanting to know what things are around her. All day long she will point at things and make a little grunt sound like she is asking what it is. The other day when we were eating lunch she saw a bird land on the fence outside the window. She excitedly pointed at it and looked at me and said uuuuuhhhh. "Bird" I told her. She smiled at me and then pointed again and made the little noise. "It's a bird" I again told her and she smiled and went back to eating. She does this all the time, pointing at everything wanting to know what it is. I love it because I know that this is the start of her language development and different vocal sounds are trying to emerge. It is always amazing to me the process of my children learning to talk and there is nothing more amazing then watching your children see things for the first time.Anyways it is a funny little quirk that cracks us up about her. The other day we were taking her on her first ride in the wagon without her carseat.She loved it and we spent most of the time saying, "Em sit down, sit on your bum." She was so excited she just wanted to stand up and look over the edge. I got some cute pictures of her showing off her pointing skills. Even the pictures crack me up it is so cute.
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