Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 14- My life with Deke

I love Deke. I love the life that we have built together. We have experienced things together that I never dreamed we would have. Sad painful things that parents should never have to go through like losing a child let alone two. Joyful things such as the miracle of life and birth of three other children. I remember when we were teenagers spending nights out on dates sitting and talking about our future. Dreaming of what our life would be like, what careers we would have, how many children we would have etc. etc. I watch our wedding video and tear up watching our "innocence" so to speak as to life's trials that would be ahead. I thought that I knew how much I loved him then and realize I had no idea how even more I would fall in love as time went on. I am sure this pattern will continue. I love our everyday life together. It is far from perfect and in some ways very different from what we always dreamed we'd have. Yet all the important aspects of life are exactly if not better than what I dreamed. Deke is the husband I always knew he would be. Romantic, funny, super attentive to my needs, sensitive, a great communicator etc. etc. He is my favorite person to be with. He can make me laugh harder than anyone else and knows whats wrong even without me telling him. We have similar goals and dreams for our family. He does romantic things for me on a very regular basis. He is constantly doing things like helping wash dishes or bathe the baby to help me and make my load lighter. I love being married to him. He is my calm place through the different storms of life and my consistency. He loves me unconditionally and makes sure I always know it. He is an amazing daddy. I have loved having and raising babies with him. I marvel at them and love the fact that together we created them. He is amazing. He is one of the greatest blessings I have ever been given. I love you babe.

1 comment:

BLY and LOU said...

you guys are so awesome!!! It's not fair for Deke to make me cry two days in a row:)