Friday, February 28, 2014

Praying for Strawberries

 We planted a garden.  A small one out back and filled it with as many veggies as we could fit. We went to Home Depot and let everyone pick out some seeds.  Hunter grabbed onions and zucchini, Avery wanted to grow sunflowers all along the back wall and plant some carrots.  Mom and dad wanted tomatoes and peas and Emma insisted on growing some strawberries.  She took her time choosing just the right one and talked all the way home about how they would grow and she would be able to get a basket and go pick them to eat.  We went home and everybody was able to do their planting.  Emma planted her strawberry plants with loving care, it was so cute.  Within a week we went out to water them and she was beside herself because one of the flowers had opened and a tiny little strawberry was there.  "Avery! Avery! come look a baby strawberry!!" she ran in yelling.  Soon all three of us girls were huddled around it talking about how cute and tiny it was.
 That night as Emma said her prayers in her room she asked Heavenly Father to help her strawberries to grow.  "I want my strawberries to grow big so I can eat them with my waffle on conference!" she said to me grinning.  It was adorable. Conference waffles and strawberries are a family tradition twice a year.  I am now also saying my own prayers for those little strawberries for the sake of this sweet three year old.  I pray that they grow big enough for her to at least have one to pick and wash and slice for her conference waffle.  So far three flowers have opened and the berries are growing and there are about five more buds getting ready to open.  She checks them diligently every day, the other day she came running in to me saying a bird was going to get them.  We opened the door and scared it away, I think we may need to get some netting to protect them from animals.  Oh please grow strawberries, please.  Here are the peas starting to grow....
Our first two tomatoes....
Watching mom water from the window....

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