Friday, February 28, 2014

building with dad

Deke and I LOVE building things together.  Finding something we like for the house and then figuring out how to make it ourselves.  We have been wanting to try making a coffee table so we found some plans online and got to work. The weather is gorgeous, its the perfect time to be outside.  The kids always want to be out with us watching and playing on the driveway while we work.
The table frame....
The boys are always more interested than the girls who are usually busy chalking or blowing bubbles.  They already love the sounds of the drill and getting to help hammer or watch the saw cut some boards.  Oh my cute boys!!
The kids played, we continued to build until the sun started to go down.  Then we all sat and enjoyed one of my favorite things about AZ, its beautiful sunsets. I love days like this.

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