Maybe it is because she has an older sister, maybe it is just her sweet nature or possible it is because I am constantly doting, kissing, snuggling and mugging on this baby girl that she is so nurturing. She loves taking care of her "bebe" as she calls it. She picks her up and pats her back and bounces with her side to side. She feeds her a bottle and brings me a diaper to help her "change the baby." She is barely eighteen months old. The other day she was quite immersed in mommy mode. We were getting ready to head to Costco and she hurried and grabbed bebe and put her in the play carseat. Then went back to her room and grabbed a bottle and this little blanket. She carefully spread the blanket out and then laid it on top of the baby...She then proceeded to pick her up and start walking around the room with the carseat, stopping every few minutes to bend down and adjust the blanket or give the baby a quick drink. As soon as Deke told her it was time to go she picked up the carseat and headed for the back door. "I guess the baby is going" I told him . She went right over to the car door and attempted to push it open making little grunting noises to ensure that we were aware of her diligent efforts. Then she looked at me and pointed at the door and rambled something that I didn't understand. "Do you want baby to go in the car with us?" I asked her. "Huh" she said and nodded her head. So we opened the door and put baby in her very own seat buckled and everything.Once the baby was all settled in Em's reaction said it all....She was thrilled, needless to say there is often now four seats occupied in the back of our vehicle. Sweet girl.
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