Monday, October 03, 2011

Keeping us smiling

All the time. She is constantly doing sweet little things that crack us up. All of a sudden she has turned into a little chatterbox and is doing all these fun things. I love having a little one around, it feels so wonderful. She has learned so many new words such as:

Emma, baby, Ave, Boo!!, ta-da!!!, No no, one!

she can identify everyone in the family in person or in a picture

gives a cheesy grin when I go to take a picture and say "Emma, cheese!"

loves to be a "helper" and loves to clean up

can find a specific book in her stack when given the title

loves to hide then peek around the corner and say "boo" at someone

throws empty water bottles into the recycling (Hunter and Avery love to give her practice)

gets her shoes from her room

gets a diaper and wipes

loves giving hugs and kisses

climbs on the couch by herself

holds up one finger when asked how old she is

makes grunting noises when lifting something if it is even the slightest bit heavy

These are just to name a few. Her hair is getting longer and after Hunter and Avery get their hair done in the morning she will come over, turn around in front of me and wait to get hers done. Her ponies have gone from the top of the head to the back and are actually long enough to get a little curl. love this. She also likes to comb her own hair all the time now.
Whenever we do "picnics" on the living room floor since it is still too hot to do a real picnic outside. She now thinks that she can sit on the floor with her siblings instead of in her highchair. She definitely thinks she is one of the big kids. She loves to empty all of the stuffed animals out of this basket and then climb inside of it and read books or feed her baby a bottle. The other morning I came around the corner and there she was in her jammies, sitting in it. This is the face she now makes whenever I go to take a picture of her and say "Emma, cheese!" Hilarious. Deke and I were cleaning up the kitchen the other night when we turned around to see this. Emma sitting on her mermaid car, reading books aloud to herself at the dishwasher.Then once she realized we were there, she started hamming it up for us. Giving us her cheezer of a grin. Goofy girl. Life is so good.

1 comment:

CJ said...

I'm a sucker for little girl ponies! So stinkin' cute!!!