The kids and I sat down the other day and did a tenative planning out of our month of Dec. Filling it with christmas activities, goodies to make, things to do or see, holiday movies not to miss and yearly tradition activities. Once we were done the kids were all excited to get going. "Well actually I thought we would start on Monday night" I told them and pointed to the calendar labeled FHE- Letters to Santa and Charlie Brown Christmas special. Both of them got disappointed looks and headed off to play. Why is it that Sunday as an adult is such a nice day to relax, read, play a board game and yet the kids see it as no homework, no school, a time to fill with lots of busy activities. Since it was Sunday I didn't want to go out and buy supplies for a holiday activity and tried to think of something simple and low key to do that would feel like a winter activity. Hence the poorly cut out snowman from printer paper with construction accessories. We taped him on the sliding glass door and told the kids we would play a version of pin the tail on the donkey except snowman style. They were sold. We let them take turns spinning each other and trying to get the pieces on the right part of the snowman. It was pretty funny. So they had decided that Deke and I shouldn't be denied a turn and quickly volunteered to take turns spinning us. Remember when you were a kid and you would go out in the grass and spin forever before you finally got dizzy? Then you would take a quick second to recharge and start spinning again. I know my kids do this now. What happens to us as adults then when we are only spun around a few times and our ability to walk straight is obviously impaired? Deke and I probably did worse than the kids who thought that was hilarious. Hunter even asked us if we were trying to let them win which was sad since I was actually trying really hard. We let Emma do her own non blindfold version of the game. They played and played until I worried that people's dinner was going to start coming up. I love that when it comes to these three the things that make them so happy are really very simple.
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