Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ave turns 8!!

The birthday girl did not want cake as her birthday treat.  Nope, she wanted to find a waffle truck and try it out by herself with just mom and dad.  So after dinner we headed out to Waffle Crush to try some waffles.
We tried the "berry" and the "nana" and the ladies on the truck adorned Ave's with a candle so we could sing to her for the twelfth time that day :) :)
they also did a quick decoration on her box...
The waffles were yummy....the only bummer was that they were definitely not big enough.
We sat in the van to avoid the 110* weather and chowed down on our waffles. All three of us smooshed in the front seats telling Avery our favorite stories about her.  Loving getting to have that time with just her and celebrate her turning 8.  Happy birthday sweet Ave!!!

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