Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Emma is so busy these days running around the house pretending to talk on the phone, taking care of all of her babies and trying on a million different shoes every five minutes just like her big sis. With turning two, two months around the corner it is hard to accept that she isn't a baby anymore but a full blown toddler. She is saying so many new things one of her latest is "excuse me" when she walks by you and bumps you, or if you are in her way and she needs past. The funniest is when she says this to a non living object. ex.- the other day she wanted to color at her little table, as she walked around it one of the chairs was blocking her way. "Excuse me" she said politely and then stood and waited. "Excuse me" she said this time leaning down closer in case the chair hadn't hear her. Waited, nothing happened. "Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me!!" she now was practically yelling at the chair. I was dying. I decided it was time to intervein and try to explain. "Okay" she said after I talked to her about the chair not being able to respond and I wondered how much she had understood. Ten minutes later she was walking through the living room and stepped on a toy. "Excuse me" she bent down to say to the toy and then headed on her way. Silly kid. When she can't find something she will come over and say "Mom!" with a wide eyed worried look and when I ask her what she needs she will ramble on about something pointing and nodding. "Well where is it?" I ask. "I don't know!" she will say exasperated and then hold her arms up and shrug. Again makes me laugh. She is my most affectionate kid, all my kids are snugglers but she takes the cake. She will come up to me throughout the day and say "hug" and put her arms out then run off and play. Or stand at my feet making little kissy noises with her lips repeatedly until I stop what I am doing and give her a smooch. Lately she has learned her color, has gone on the potty several times, her favorite words right now are: Ariel, how about...., snack, Deke (Dad is not so thrilled that she loves calling him this) Avery, shoes, excuse me and many others, she talks up a stormHow does she know how much her little happy presence makes my day. She is such an easy going little girl, mellow and happy but always doing cute silly things. She is amazing, I am so grateful to have her. Love you Miss E.

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