Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bulldog of the week

She has been excited about this since the first week of school when they talked about their school year. The wonderful chance to be (student) rather Bulldog of the week. Avery came home off the bus with poster in hand telling me all the things that she wanted to put on her poster for her classroom. Together we sat down and filled it with baby pictures, fun facts about her and then decorated it. The next day she was telling me all about getting to show everyone her poster and how they all liked it "so much". "Yeah and when you are bulldog of the week Mom you just have to cut people in line because you are bulldog of the week." I stopped and looked at her to see if she was kidding. "What?" I asked her, only to have her tell me again and then add "it's true Mom...really." Oh boy her title has gone to her head I thought laughing to myself as I listened to her try to justify why this was her right and almost duty as student of the week. She actually believed that she was allowed to cut people in any line all based on her current title. make me laugh. She was not so happy let me tell you when Deke and I told her this was not okay and that she had to wait in line like everyone else no matter if she was the bulldog and that the only time she could go to the front of the line was when it was her turn to be class line leader. She was less than enthused. On Thursday she got to eat lunch with the principal which was the highlight of her week. Emma and I went over to the school to see her and get a quick picture. When I told her to stop eating really quick and come take a picture with Dr. Coleman she came right over and hopped right up on the principals lap. "Avery, stand up next to her" I said apologizing yet laughing to the surprised looking principal. "Oh its okay she can sit on my lap it just surprised me" she said. Avery was thrilled. That is so Avery. Of course she would climb right on the principals lap and lean right in. I sat for a minute and listened to her discussing with the principal all about her family and what she had in her lunch box and then headed home. Good job kiddo you are the best bulldog of the week ever.

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