Hunter and Ave love to "help"Emma with things. Usually when I am trying to cook dinner or do a quick chore they will both quickly volunteer to help her while I am busy. Often times even arguing a little over who should get to help her first. Hunter loves to sit on the floor and tell her to come sit down and pat his lap. She hurries over, turns around and starts walking backwards until she reaches him and then plops down. It is really sweet. Then Hunter will sit and read to her. He is so good about asking her questions like, "Where is the horse?" or other things he thinks she might know. He changes his voice for different characters and makes it really fun for her. She loves this time with him. Avery loves to play house with Emma. They love to pull out the bin with all the stuffed animals and baby dolls and pretend they are the mommies. Avery will say "come on Emma, let's go play babies in our room" and Em will hurry arms swinging to follow Avery to go play. Within two seconds the baby doll bins are out and I can hear their dialogue. Emma as usual trying to carry every baby she can all at once. Getting frusterated when one keeps slipping out of her arms. Carrying one under each arm for awhile, then seeing a new one and trying to add it to the mix. Finally giving up on carrying them all she settles for one or two and pulls them close. It cracks me up that if we pretend to make the baby cry then she will hug it close to her body, bend her knees and bounce up and down and side to side as if trying to calm it. It is precious. Oh what they learn just from watching. Avery shows her how to rock, hold over her shoulder, swaddle and change all the babies. They will play for a long time in there putting the dolls in the play stroller or feeding them, even putting them down for a nap. They have so much fun together. Hunter and Avery are so good at being a big brother and big sister. They truly love to play with you Emma and they enjoy you so much. You are so lucky to have them. really lucky.
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