The other day Avery and Emma were playing together and Ave put her princess backpack on Miss E. She loved it. She wore it on her back for an hour and went around playing with her toys and baby dolls as if she didn't even realize she was wearing it.
Then the other day she was sitting in her highchair and I finally got her to show some of her new tricks for the camera. Here she is folding her arms: Here is what she does when we ask her where someone or something is. Most common is "Where is daddy?" or "Where is your baby?" then she puts her hands out shrugs her shoulders and makes a little sound that I swear is her trying to verbalize "I don't know." It is so funny.
She is such a little mommy. Avery liked baby dolls but not until closer to two. Emma loves babies. It amazes me at only fourteen months old what she already knows how to do. She likes to put a baby into the play carseat and carry it around the house and then move it from the play highchair to the baby port a crib.
When she first picks one of her babies up she will hold it close and bounce up and down slightly with it just like the way I have done with her when she was born. She will bounce and sort of rock as if she is trying to calm the baby down or put it to sleep. She gets absolutely tickled when she brings me a baby and puts it on my lap so that I can wrap it up in a blanket for her. She will give her baby kisses and laughs when I pretend to tickle her baby or throw it in the air. It is adorable. She is already so nurturing.
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