Monday, July 15, 2013

Squinkie City Calamities

Squinkies are taking over lately in the girls room.  What started out as a simple starter pack has now morphed into different sets and playsets and grown and grown into what they now call Squinkie city.  It truly sort of is.  They have a castle, a barn, a mall, a ferris wheel, a merry go round, a park and several other squinkie residences.  
Not to mention the population is constantly growing.  I feel like there are squinkies all over the place in my house.  I find them in the most random places.  Under my sink by the q-tips, accidentally stepping on them in the kitchen, in the washing machine, in my bed and pretty much everywhere else.  The girls get the city all set up and play all sorts of random scenarios.  One day some of the squinkies spent the day at the fair and were riding doubles on the ferris wheel.  All of a sudden I hear Emma say "Oh no!!! (boom, crash, boom) she spins the wheel really fast and all the squinkies go flying.  "There is an earthquake and they all got ouchies and need to go to the hospital!"  
It was quite the scene. So off they were taken to the hospital where they were each individually wiped off with a wipe, and given a checkup with Em's doctor kit.  Then they all had to lay on the green mat and "get better" and weren't allowed to play for the rest of the afternoon.  Sorry guys rough break.
Don't be deceived by the bright happy colors and cheery painted smiles because this city just happens to be quite the dangerous place to live.  They happen to be recipients of a disaster just about everyday.  To my knowledge so far I have seen their city become completely shut down by a cotton ball snow blizzard, one day it was demolished by a Giant Strawberry Shortcake doll.  The day that the squinkies all took a plane to Hawaii (the kitchen) just happened to be the day that they had a tidal wave that washed them all into the ocean where they were stuck until they were rescued.
Not to mention the other hazards that happen to them because of their size.  Several have received life threatening injuries from being stepped on, some have lost family members and go months before finding their long lost loved ones in surprise places.  They even wedged and stuck in their own houses.
On the brighter side these little toys have to love how often they get played with.  Their life is full of excitement and adventure that Ave and Em come up with.  Even though it is always exciting the girls are so cute with them and love them so much.
The other day I saw them arranged like this....the girls were outside playing and I wondered what secret meeting I had just interrupted.  You never know what to expect around here :)

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