What a cute bunch of kids. We headed up to visit the Grant's last weekend up in Prescott. We love them. Our kids love each other and play well together. Our kids get so excited whenever we get together with them. The kids had so much fun pretty much playing outside as much as they could. They have a large backyard perfect for lots of imaginative play scenarios. Hunter and Evan found a love for perfecting their sword fighting abilities. The practiced throughout the day and before we left performed a show for us. In which they did sword fighting in different areas of the backyard. It was intense at times :) Swinging whilst sword fighting actually did give it a rather dangerous element as far as eyepoking is considered. I love this shot of them dueling around the fire pit.
Even Dylann and Avery got in on the action. A picture of Logan holding Deke's hand. He loves Deke. All their kids have always warmed up to Deke quicker. I am not used to this but it is pretty cute :)We found a cute little grasshopper in Erin's raspberry bushes, actually found a few of them. He was really cute and Hunter decided to name him "Greeny." Erin gave Hunter an old spice container and we filled it with some leaves. He had three bugs and was all excited about them. We got about fourty five minutes down the road and then we realized we had left them there. Hunter was so upset. I felt so bad that I had forgotten. I was so worried about remembering contact stuff, swimsuits etc. that I forgot the bugs. Think MeKell. You have a boy, gotta remember the bugs and sticks. Emma LOVED this little red swing. I think she needs one. I hate having such a ridiculously small backyard in this house. Love the house, hate the yard. I had so much fun watching her in it grinning happily. The higher we swang the more she grinned.Leave it to Hunter to provide a comedic moment. When I turned around and saw him wearing one of their old Halloween costumes. A cute little turtle costume that is meant for a toddler that somehow he squeezed himself into. Seriously. About died when I saw him in it. Kid cracks me up. Check out the second picture where you can see the tail. really? It was a nice couple of days to lay around, visit, let the kids run around, play, splash and eat. We had fun like we always do when we are with them. We love you Grants.
yeah! We made the blog again! Can I just say it one more time? We LOVE. L.O.V.E. LOOOOOOVE!!!! You guys! We loved our visit with you, every single second, and can't wait to get together again. You can tell Hunter that we found the grasshopper container about 20 minutes after you left. Dylann considered for a few minutes "adopting" the little guys and taking care of them until we get together again. Ultimately, she decided it would be easier for them if we let them go, so she found a nice green place (far from the raspberry patch) and dumped them out. I am sure they are living happy little grasshopper lives now. Come again soon! We love you! Go Gurches!
1 comment:
yeah! We made the blog again! Can I just say it one more time? We LOVE. L.O.V.E. LOOOOOOVE!!!! You guys! We loved our visit with you, every single second, and can't wait to get together again. You can tell Hunter that we found the grasshopper container about 20 minutes after you left. Dylann considered for a few minutes "adopting" the little guys and taking care of them until we get together again. Ultimately, she decided it would be easier for them if we let them go, so she found a nice green place (far from the raspberry patch) and dumped them out. I am sure they are living happy little grasshopper lives now.
Come again soon! We love you! Go Gurches!
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